Base Classes¶
- class ziaplot.drawable.Drawable¶
Drawable SVG/XML object. Implements common XML and SVG functions, plus _repr_ for Jupyter
- cssclass(cls: str) Drawable ¶
Set the CSS class name for the item. Matches items in CSS with .name selector
- imagebytes(fmt: Literal['svg', 'eps', 'pdf', 'png'] = 'svg') bytes ¶
Get byte data for image
- Parameters:
ext – File format extension. Will be extracted from fname if not provided.
- save(fname: str)¶
Save image to a file
- Parameters:
fname – Filename, with extension.
SVG format is always supported. EPS, PDF, and PNG formats are available when the cairosvg package is installed
- span(columns: int = 1, rows: int = 1) Drawable ¶
Set the row and column span for the item when placed in a grid layout.
- svg() str ¶
Get SVG string representation
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
Generate XML for a standalone SVG
- class ziaplot.container.Container¶
Drawing container base class (either Diagrams or Layouts)
- class ziaplot.element.Element¶
Base class for elements, defining a single object in a plot
Diagrams and Graphs¶
- class ziaplot.diagrams.diagram.Diagram¶
Base plotting class
- add(comp: Component) None ¶
Add a component to the diagram
- colorfade(*clrs: str, stops: Sequence[float] | None = None) Diagram ¶
Define the color cycle evenly fading between multiple colors.
- Parameters:
colors – List of colors in #FFFFFF format
stops – List of stop positions for each color in the gradient, starting with 0 and ending with 1.
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data only
- legend(loc: Literal['left', 'right', 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'none'] = 'left') Diagram ¶
Specify legend location
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
XML for standalone SVG
- yrange(ymin, ymax)¶
Set y-range of data display
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graph.Graph¶
Plot of x-y data
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graph.GraphQuad¶
Graph showing all 4 quadrants of the coordinate plane. Axes are drawn as arrows pointing to infinity with xname and yname labels at the ends of the arrows.
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of x-y data. GraphQuad datarange must include x=0 and y=0
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graph.GraphQuadCentered¶
GraphQuad with the origin always centered
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of x-y data. GraphQuad datarange must include x=0 and y=0
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graphlog.GraphLogY¶
Plot with Y on a log10 scale
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graphlog.GraphLogX¶
Plot with Y on a log10 scale
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- class ziaplot.diagrams.graphlog.GraphLogXY¶
Plot with X and Y on a log10 scale
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data only
- class ziaplot.diagrams.polar.GraphPolar(labeldeg: bool = True, labeltheta: float = 0)¶
Polar Plot. Use with LinePolar to define lines in (radius, angle) format.
- Parameters:
labeldeg – Draw theta labels in degrees vs. radians
labeltheta – Angle for drawing R labels
- rrange(rmax: float) None ¶
Sets maximum radius to display
- yrange(ymin: float, ymax: float) None ¶
Sets range of y data
- class ziaplot.diagrams.smith.GraphSmith(grid: Literal['coarse', 'medium', 'fine', 'extrafine'] = 'coarse')¶
Smith Chart
- Parameters:
grid – Smith grid spacing
- class ziaplot.diagrams.ticker._Ticker¶
Use to generate ticks using slice notation:
ticker[0:10:1] # Generate ticks from 0 to 10 ticker[0:10:2] # Step from 0-10 by 2’s
Discrete Plot Types¶
- class ziaplot.discrete.polylines.PolyLine(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float])¶
A polyline of x-y data, points connected by line segments
- Parameters:
x – X-values to plot
y – Y-values to plot
- class ziaplot.discrete.polylines.Scatter(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float])¶
An X-Y Scatter data
- Parameters:
x – X-values to plot
y – Y-values to plot
- class ziaplot.discrete.polylines.ErrorBar(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float], yerr: Sequence[float] | None = None, xerr: Sequence[float] | None = None)¶
An X-Y PolyLine with Error Bars in X and/or Y
- Parameters:
x – X-values to plot
y – Y-values to plot
yerr – Y errors
xerr – X errors
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- class ziaplot.discrete.polylines.LineFill(x: Sequence[float], ymax: Sequence[float], ymin: Sequence[float] | None = None)¶
A filled line/region
- Parameters:
x – X-values
ymax – Y-values defining upper limit of region
ymin – Y-values defining lower limit of region. Defaults to 0.
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- class ziaplot.discrete.bars.Bars(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float], y2: Sequence[float] | None = None, width: float | None = None, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center')¶
A series of bars to add to an Graph (quantitative x values) For qualitative bar chart, use a BarChart instance.
- Parameters:
x – X-values of each bar
y – Y-values of each bar
y2 – Minimum y-values of each bar
width – Width of all bars
align – Bar position in relation to x value
- datarange()¶
Get x-y datarange
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
Generate XML for standalone SVG
- class ziaplot.discrete.bars.BarsHoriz(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float], y2: Sequence[float] | None = None, width: float | None = None, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center')¶
Horizontal bars
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get x-y datarange
- class ziaplot.discrete.bars.Histogram(x: Sequence[float], bins: int | None = None, binrange: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, density: bool = False, weights: Sequence[float] | None = None)¶
Histogram data
- Parameters:
x – Data to show as histogram
bins – Number of bins for histogram
binrange – Tuple of (start, stop, step) defining bins
density – Normalize the histogram
weights – Weights to apply to each x value
- class ziaplot.discrete.bars.HistogramHoriz(x: Sequence[float], bins: int | None = None, binrange: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, density: bool = False, weights: Sequence[float] | None = None)¶
- class ziaplot.discrete.polar.LinePolar(radius: Sequence[float], theta: Sequence[float], deg: bool = False)¶
Define a data PolyLine using polar coordinates
- Parameters:
radius – The radius values to plot
theta – The theta values to plot, in degres or radians
deg – Interpret theta as degrees instead of radians
- class ziaplot.discrete.contour.Contour(x: Sequence[float], y: Sequence[float], z: Sequence[Sequence[float]], levels: int | Sequence[float] = 7, colorbar: Literal['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'] | None = None)¶
Contour Plot
- Parameters:
x – 1D array of x values
y – 1D array of y values
z – 2D array of z (height) values
levels – Number of contour lines, or array of contour line levels
colorbar – Position of colorbar, top, bottom, left, or right.
- colors(*colors: str, stops: Sequence[float] | None = None) Contour ¶
Set the start and end colors for the contours
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- get_color_steps() list[str] ¶
Get colors for each level
- property nlevels: int¶
Number of levels in the contour
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
Generate XML for standalone SVG
- class ziaplot.diagrams.smith.SmithConstResistance(resistance: float, xmin: float = -inf, xmax: float = inf)¶
Smith chart circle of constant Resistance (normalized)
- Parameters:
resistance – Resistance value (0 to inf)
xmin – Minimum reactance intersection value
xmax – Maximum reactance intersection value
Leave xmin and xmax at inf to draw full circle
- class ziaplot.diagrams.smith.SmithConstReactance(reactance: float, rmax: float = inf, rmin: float = 0)¶
Smith chart arcs of constant Reactance (normalized). Draws both positive and negative (capacitive and inductive) arcs.
- Parameters:
reactance – Reactance value
rmax – maximum resistance intersection value
rmin – minimum resistance intersection value
- class ziaplot.geo.Function(func: Callable[[float], float], xrange: tuple[float, float] | None = None, n: int = 200)¶
Plot a function
- Parameters:
func – Callable function of x, returning y (e.g. lambda x: x**2)
xmin – Minimum x value
xmax – Maximum x value
n – Number of datapoints for discrete representation
- endmarkers(start: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<', end: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '>') Function ¶
Define markers to show at the start and end of the line. Use defaults to show arrowheads pointing outward in the direction of the line.
- midmarker(midmark: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<') Function ¶
Define marker for midpoint (x/2) of Function curve
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
Generate XML for standalone SVG
- x(y: float) float ¶
Calculate x at given y
- y(x: float) float ¶
Evaluate f(x)
- class ziaplot.geo.implicit.Implicit(f: Callable, xlim: Tuple[float, float] = (-1, 1), ylim: Tuple[float, float] = (-1, 1), n: int = 100)¶
Plot an implicit function
- Parameters:
f – A function of x and y, to plot f(x, y) = 0.
xlim – Range of data for x direction
ylim – Range of data for y direction
n – Number of data points along x and y used to estimate the plot curves
- class ziaplot.geo.line.Line(point: Tuple[float, float], slope: float = 0)¶
A straight Line extending to infinity
- Parameters:
point – One point on the line
slope – Slope of the line
- endmarkers(start: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<', end: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '>') Line ¶
Define markers to show at the start and end of the line. Use defaults to show arrowheads pointing outward in the direction of the line.
- classmethod from_points(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float]) Line ¶
Create a line from two points
- classmethod from_slopeintercept(slope: float, intercept: float = 0) Line ¶
Create a line from slope and intercept
- property homogeneous: tuple[float, float, float]¶
Line in homogeneous coordinates
- property intercept: float¶
Y-intercept of Line
- label(text: str, loc: float = 0, align: Literal['N', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'NE', 'NW', 'SE', 'SW'] = 'N', rotate: bool = False, color: str | None = None, size: float | None = None) Line ¶
Add a label along the Line
- Parameters:
text – The text to add
loc – Position along the line as fraction from 0-1
align – Text alignment
rotate – Rotate the text with the line
color – Text color
size – Text size
- midmarker(midmark: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<') Line ¶
Add a marker to the center of the Segment
- property point2: Tuple[float, float]¶
Get a second point on the line, 1 unit away
- x(y) float ¶
Calculate x at y
- y(x: float) float ¶
Calculate y at x
- class ziaplot.geo.line.VLine(x: float)¶
Vertical Line at x
- class ziaplot.geo.line.HLine(y: float)¶
Horizontal Line at y
- class ziaplot.geo.line.Segment(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float])¶
Line segment from p1 to p2
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get range of data
- classmethod horizontal(p: Tuple[float, float], tox: float = 0) Segment ¶
Create a horizontal segment from p to the tox x value
- property length: float¶
Length of the segment
- property point2: Tuple[float, float]¶
Second point on the segment
- class ziaplot.geo.line.Vector(x: float, y: float)¶
A Vector arrow from (0, 0) to (x, y)
- classmethod from_angle(theta: float, d: float = 1)¶
Create Vector from angle and length
- class ziaplot.geo.point.Point(x: float, y: float)¶
Point with optional text label
- Parameters:
x – X-value
y – Y-value
- classmethod at_intersection(f1: Function, f2: Function, x1: float | None = None, x2: float | None = None) Point ¶
Draw a Point at the intersection of two functions
- classmethod at_maximum(f: Function, x1: float, x2: float) Point ¶
Draw a Point at local maximum of f between x1 and x2
- classmethod at_minimum(f: Function, x1: float, x2: float) Point ¶
Draw a Point at local minimum of f between x1 and x2
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get x-y datarange
- label(text: str, pos: Literal['N', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'NE', 'NW', 'SE', 'SW'] = 'NE') Point ¶
Add a text label to the point
- Parameters:
text – Label
text_pos – Position for label with repsect to the point (N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW)
- marker(marker: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None], radius: float | None = None, orient: bool = False) Point ¶
Sets the point marker shape and size
- classmethod on_circle(circle: Circle, theta: float) Point ¶
Draw a Point on the circle at angle theta (degrees)
- property point: Tuple[float, float]¶
XY coordinate tuple
- class ziaplot.geo.bezier.BezierQuad(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float], p3: Tuple[float, float])¶
Quadratic Bezier Curve
- Parameters:
p1 – Control points for curve
p2 – Control points for curve
p3 – Control points for curve
- endmarkers(start: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<', end: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '>') BezierQuad ¶
Define markers to show at the start and end of the curve. Use defaults to show arrowheads pointing outward in the direction of the curve.
- length(n: int = 50) float ¶
Approximate length of the curve
- Parameters:
n – the number of points in t used to linearly approximate the curve
- midmarker(midmark: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = '<') BezierQuad ¶
Add marker to center of curve
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
Generate XML for standalone SVG
- xy(t: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Evaluate (x, y) value of curve at parameter t
- class ziaplot.geo.bezier.BezierCubic(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float], p3: Tuple[float, float], p4: Tuple[float, float])¶
Cubic Bezier Curve
- Parameters:
p1 – Control points for curve
p2 – Control points for curve
p3 – Control points for curve
p4 – Control points for curve
- xy(t: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Evaluate (x, y) on curve at parameter t
- class ziaplot.geo.bezier.Curve(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float], k: float = 0.15)¶
Symmetric curve connecting the two points with deflection k as fraction of distance between endpoints
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Tangent¶
Create Line tangent to other geometric instances
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t: float) Line ¶
Create a linle tangent to Bezier at parameter t
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.TangentSegment¶
Create Segment tangent to other geometric instances
- classmethod to(f: Function, x: float, d1: float = 1, d2: float = 1) Segment ¶
Create a Segment tangent to f at x, extending d1 to the left and d2 to the right.
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t: float, d1: float = 1, d2: float = 1) Segment ¶
Create a linle tangent to Bezier at parameter t extending d1 to the left and d2 to the right.
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Normal¶
Create Lines normal to other geometric instances
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t: float) Line ¶
Create a linle normal to Bezier at parameter t
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.NormalSegment¶
Create Segment normal to other geometric instances
- classmethod to(f: Function, x: float, d1: float = 1, d2: float = 1) Segment ¶
Create a Segment normal to f at x, extending d1 to the left and d2 to the right.
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t: float, d1: float = 1, d2: float = 1) Segment ¶
Create a linle tangent to Bezier at parameter t extending d1 to the left and d2 to the right.
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Diameter(circle: Ellipse, theta: float = 0)¶
Create Diameter Segment on a Circle or Ellipse at an angle of theta (degrees).
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Secant(circle: Ellipse, theta1: float = 0, theta2: float = 180)¶
Create Secant Line on a Circle or Ellipse. between points on the circle with angles of theta1 and theta2 (degrees).
See also: Chord
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t1: float, t2: float) Line ¶
Create a secant line on the function f
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Chord(circle: Ellipse, theta1: float = 0, theta2: float = 180)¶
Create Chord Segment on a Circle or Ellipse. between points on the circle with angles of theta1 and theta2 (degrees).
See also: Secant
- classmethod to_bezier(b: BezierQuad, t1: float, t2: float) Segment ¶
Create a secant line on the function f
- class ziaplot.geo.tangents.Sagitta(circle: Ellipse, theta1: float = 0, theta2: float = 180)¶
Create Sagitta Segment (perpendicular to a chord) on a Circle or Ellipse, defined by a chord between points on the circle with angles of theta1 and theta2 (degrees).
- class ziaplot.geo.integral.IntegralFill(f: Function, f2: Function | None = None, x1: float | None = None, x2: float | None = None)¶
Fill between two functions or between a function and the x-axis
- Parameters:
f – Function or Line instance
f2 – Another Function instance
x1 – Starting x value to fill
x2 – Ending x value to fill
- class ziaplot.shapes.shapes.Circle(x: float, y: float, radius: float)¶
Draw a circle
- Parameters:
x – Center x coordinate
y – Center y coordinate
radius – Radius of circle
- class ziaplot.shapes.shapes.Ellipse(x: float, y: float, r1: float, r2: float, theta: float = 0)¶
Draw an Ellipse
- Parameters:
x – Center x coordinate
y – Center y coordinate
r1 – Radius 1
r2 – Radius 2
theta – Angle of rotation (degrees)
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Data limits
- xy(theta: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Get x, y coordinate on the circle at the angle theta (degrees)
- class ziaplot.shapes.shapes.Rectangle(x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float, cornerradius: float = 0)¶
Draw a rectangle
- Parameters:
x – lower left x value
y – lower left y value
width – width of rectangle
height – height of rectangle
cornerradius – radius of corners
- class ziaplot.charts.pie.Pie(labelmode: Literal['name', 'percent', 'value'] = 'name')¶
Pie Chart. Total of all wedge values will be normalized to 100%.
- Parameters:
labelmode – How to label each wedge - by name, percent, or value.
- class ziaplot.charts.pie.PieSlice(value: float = 1)¶
One slice of a pie.
- Parameters:
value – value assigned to this slice. Percent will be calculated using total value of all the slices.
- class ziaplot.charts.bar.BarChart¶
A vertical bar chart with a single bar series. Independent variable is qualitative.
For a bar graph with quantitative x values, use Graph and add Bars instances.
- add(bar: Component) None ¶
Add a single bar
- class ziaplot.charts.bar.Bar(value: float = 1)¶
A single bar in a BarChart
- Parameters:
value – value assigned to this bar.
- class ziaplot.charts.bar.BarChartGrouped(groups: Sequence[str])¶
A grouped bar chart, where independent variable is qualitative.
- Parameters:
groups – list of x value strings
For a bar graph with quantitative x values, use Graph and add Bars instances.
- add(barseries: Component) None ¶
Add a series of bars to the chart
- classmethod fromdict(bars: dict[str, Sequence[float]], groups: Sequence[str]) BarChartGrouped ¶
Create Bar Chart from dictionary of name: values list
- class ziaplot.charts.bar.BarSeries(*values: float)¶
A series of bars across all groups
- Parameters:
values – values assigned to this bar series.
- class ziaplot.annotations.text.Text(x: float, y: float, s: str, halign: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'left', valign: Literal['top', 'center', 'baseline', 'base', 'bottom'] = 'bottom', rotate: float | None = None)¶
A text element to draw at a specific x-y location
- Parameters:
x – X-position for text
y – Y-position for text
s – String to draw
halign – Horizontal alignment
valign – Vertical alignment
rotate – Rotation angle, in degrees
- datarange() DataRange ¶
Get x-y datarange
- class ziaplot.annotations.annotations.Arrow(xy: Sequence[float], xytail: Sequence[float], marker: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] = 'arrow', tailmarker: Literal['round', 'o', 'square', 's', 'triangle', '^', 'triangled', 'v', 'larrow', '<', 'arrow', '>', '+', 'x', '-', '|', '||', '|||', 'undefined', None] | None = None)¶
An arrow pointing to an XY location, with optional text annotation
- Parameters:
xy – XY position to point at
xytail – XY-position of arrow tail
s – String to draw at tail of arrow
strofst – XY offset between text and arrow tail
marker – Arrowhead marker shape
tailmarker – Arrowhead tail marker
- class ziaplot.annotations.annotations.Angle(line1: Line, line2: Line, quad: int = 1, arcs: int = 1)¶
Draw angle between two Lines/Segments
- class ziaplot.layout.LayoutH(*diagrams: Drawable, column_gap: float = 10, **kwargs)¶
Lay out Diagrams in horizontal row
- Parameters:
diagrams – The Diagrams/Graphs to add
column_gap – Spacing between columns
- class ziaplot.layout.LayoutV(*diagrams: Drawable, row_gap: float = 10, **kwargs)¶
Lay out Diagrams in vertical stack
- Parameters:
diagrams – The Diagrams/Graphs to add
row_gap – Spacing between rows
- class ziaplot.layout.LayoutGrid(*diagrams: Drawable, columns: int = 1, column_widths: str | None = None, row_heights: str | None = None, column_gap: float = 10, row_gap: float = 10, **kwargs)¶
Lay out Diagrams in a grid. Diagrams added to the layout fill the grid from left to right, adding rows as needed.
- Parameters:
diagrams – The diagrams to add
columns – Number of columns
column_widths – String specifying widths of each column (see Note)
row_heights – String specifying widths of each column (see Note)
column_gap – Spacing between columns
row_gap – Spacing between rows
column_widths and row_heights specification is a similar style to a CSS grid layout. The string is space-delimited with each item either 1) a plain number representing the number of pixels 2) a percent of the whole width, 3) a number with “fr” suffix representing fractions of the whole. Examples: “25% 1fr” –> First column takes 25%, second column the remainder “200 1fr” –> First column takes 200 pixels, second column the remainder “2fr 1fr” –> First column is twice the width of second
- size(w: float = 600, h: float = 400) LayoutGrid ¶
Set canvas width and height
- svgxml(border: bool = False) Element ¶
XML for standalone SVG
- class ziaplot.layout.LayoutEmpty¶
Empty placeholder for layout
Global Themes and CSS¶
- ziaplot.style.themes.css(css: str) None ¶
Set global CSS styling
- ziaplot.style.themes.theme(name: str) None ¶
Activate a theme by name. Use list_themes to see list of available theme names.
- ziaplot.style.themes.theme_list() list[str] ¶
Get a list of available themes
General Functions¶
- ziaplot.container.save(fname: str) None ¶
Save the current drawing to a file. Must be used within a Diagram or Layout context manager.
- Parameters:
fname – Filename, with extension.
SVG format is always supported. EPS, PDF, and PNG formats are available when the cairosvg package is installed
A few calculation functions are made available to the user.
- ziaplot.calcs.line_intersection(line1: Line, line2: Line) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Find intersection between two lines. Raises ValueError if the lines do not intersect.
- ziaplot.calcs.angle_of_intersection(line1: Line, line2: Line) float ¶
Find angle between the two lines in degrees
- ziaplot.calcs.func_intersection(f1: Function, f2: Function, x1: float, x2: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Find intersection between two Functions (either of which may be a Line) in the interval x1 to x2. Raises ValueError if the curves do not intersect.
- ziaplot.calcs.local_max(f: Function, x1: float, x2: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Find local maximum of function f between x1 and x2
- ziaplot.calcs.local_min(f: Function, x1: float, x2: float) Tuple[float, float] ¶
Find local minimum of function f between x1 and x2
- ziaplot.util.linspace(start: float, stop: float, num: int = 50) list[float] ¶
Generate list of evenly spaced points