Ziaplot ======= Ziaplot is for easy, lightweight, and Pythonic plotting of data in SVG format. .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import math import ziaplot as zp def teststyle(): p = zp.Pie().fromdict({'a':3, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':2, 'e':4, 'f':2}, legend='none') p2 = zp.XyGraph() p2 += zp.Function(lambda x: x**2).endmarkers() p2 += zp.Function(lambda x: x**3/2).endmarkers() p2 += zp.Function(lambda x: -x**4/20).endmarkers() x = zp.linspace(10, 20, 10) y = [math.exp(xi/10) for xi in x] p3 = zp.XyPlot() p3 += zp.Line(x, y).marker('round') p3 += zp.Xy(x, [yi*2 for yi in y]).marker('square') p3 += zp.Line(x, [yi*4 for yi in y]).marker('arrow', orient=True) p3 += zp.Line(x, [yi*3 for yi in y]).stroke('--') p4 = zp.BarChartGrouped(groups=('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) p4 += zp.BarSeries(2, 2, 4, 3) p4 += zp.BarSeries(2, 3, 1, 4) l1 = zp.Hlayout(p3, p4) l2 = zp.Hlayout(p2, p) fig = zp.Vlayout(l1, l2) return fig teststyle() Ziaplot is written in pure-Python, with no dependencies. An optional dependency of `cairosvg` can be installed to convert ziaplot's SVG figures into PNG or other formats. | Support ------- If you appreciate Ziaplot, buy me a coffee to show your support! .. raw:: html | Source code is available on `Bitbucket `_. ---- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: start.rst xyplot.rst polar.rst charts.rst layout.rst style.rst gui.rst api.rst